Seek The Small Spaces

It has been a complicated year to say the least and there have been many things increasing our anxiety and threatening our happiness. In recent days, our youngest child ended primary school and amidst the letting go and excitement and joy, the last minute regrets and the sadness about covid stealing so much from us, I celebrated – for his achievements, but mostly, for him being alive, for the gift of his life with us.

I remembered what matters.

And I wrote a poem.

Then, just days later, with more covid chaos evolving all around us, a tragic loss of life happened in Tasmania…and people were heartbroken.

And I wrote a poem, about holding on and noticing and mindfulness.

Wishing you calm and love and moments of joy as we end 2021 and move towards 2022, knowing that all you can control are your thoughts, your breath and your ability to notice the small spaces. And that’s a whole lot



I wait, searching
for something
to ease
the darkness inside
my heart
For someone
to slow
the chaos within
my brain
For some way
to soothe
the fire inside
my belly
And then, you smile
And the sunshine rises
And everything is clear
And I remember
I remember
I remember, my love,
Nothing else matters

Seek small spaces
where time converges
in a moment
Where birds whistle
Love songs, and
Dawn highlights
Dreams and memories
of reasons for waking
for walking
forwards, forever
onwards, towards
Lingering dusk
Purple and pure
Circling back, again,
Settling within
Small spaces

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